• What is The Slow Revolution?

    It’s a way of experiencing life at a deliberately healthy pace which aims to:

    • Help women, like you, understand it doesn't mean you don’t move quickly anymore; just that you have a choice of speeds in your back pocket.

    • Free you to move and be with deliberate intention, rather than out of habit or how society would like you to.

    • Let you discover that all is well and that time IS on your side.

    • Learn how to accomplish great and wonderful things in a state of ease and flow.

    • Trust in your timing, and know that you’ll always arrive where you need to be in perfect time.

    • Understand how fear-based beliefs and are destructive and can lead to you missing important details and the joy that can be had from not rushing.

    • Embrace moments of sloe to create experiences of calm, flow and connect with the beauty of now.

    • Support you to slow down a little more, let go a little more and allow yourself to be held within an inclusive and safe space.

    • Rebalance your nervous system so you can take hold of the steering wheel again.

    The Slow Revolution supports you to trust and know that you have two speeds of living available and that you can choose when to move quickly and expand into life and also when to expand into your moments whilst working with your innate rhythm to experience ease, joy, less aches and pains, and awakening to the beauty of your own presence.

  • Why is The Slow Revolution needed?

    Expectations of women and their roles have changed significantly in the last 40 years.

    We have so many opportunities and are encouraged to excel, to travel, to progress in our careers, choose our own romantic partners, have a family or not, follow a certain faith or find our own way and to seek financial independence.

    However, for some this has shifted into a sense of entrapment, into overcrowded diaries, never ending to-do lists, social media setting expectation of perfection along with a feeling that we could never measure up to the mark, expectation to be constantly productive,,to achieve and meet the financial demands of our generation’s living costs and lifestyle as well as trying to balance professional careers with our home life.

  • Tell me more about Tara Perlaki

    I’m a Kinesiologist, Yoga teacher, meditation guide and period coach.

    I’m on a mission to awaken women to mindful accomplishment through deliberately slowing down.

    As a neurodiverse, hormonal business owner, cat mum, wife, daughter and friend, I’ve come to experience that living up to society’s face-paced, productivity obsessed, relentless squeeze of never having enough time (or enoughness of any type) being an independent woman who doesn’t need anybody and shouldn’t ask for help has been damaging my relationships, creativity ad general joy of life.

    To keep up with the projected ‘ideal pace of life’, I found myself trying to find ways to mask my struggles with food, drink, my mind and body feeling tense and tight, difficulty sleeping, being short with those I loved and finding I was spending time doing the things I thought I should do which drained me, rather than the things that gave me energy and joy.

    I became curious to learn and practice living at a pace that keeps my nervous system intact and lets me experience life with greater ease and flow.

    At a pace that honours my neurodiverse, dyslexic, creative mind and hormonal flow throughout the month.

    IT’s not been easy but it’s been hugely rewarding. I’ve noticed my inner critic relinquishing control of my creative flow. Greater acceptance and awareness of the pace of living that works best for me has offered me space to grow and accomplish a more meaningful and fulfilling professional and personal life.

    Creating space in my day has given me the ability to make deliberate choices about what I say, think, speak and take action on.

    These learnings and practices are what I share with you through The Slow Revolution. I invite you to become curious and open to the possibility of what could happen if you introduced The Slow REvolution into your life.